Storm Yield Finance is a Defi-DAO eco-system with Fixed APY 669,212.62%,focus on NFT and Music projects
Today marks the beginning of a revolutionary new lightning of DeFi with the creation of Storm Yield Finance.
Storm Yield Finance offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards holders with sustainable fixed compound interest income through the use of its unique STY protocol.
Buy-Hold-Earn $STY for the Highest fixed APY in Crypto, compounded every 5 minutes. Watch your portfolio grow faster than lighting right in your wallet.

⚡️Welcome to Storm Yield Finance all investors⚡️
Storm Yield Finance is a DAO and DeFi eco-system that will change the lives of millions of people over the world by offering Auto Staking & Auto Compounding every 5 minutes with Fixed APY 669,212.62%. Storm Yield DAO will focus on NFT and Music projects investment.
What we have:
KYCed by Rugdoc and Pinksale
Audited by Solidproof
Potential features
Big marketing plan
Storm Yield Finance — Revolutionizing Defi with 669,212.62% APY and DAO Ecosystem
Main Features:
STY Insurance Fund (SIF)
Consistently pays a 0.00838% rebase rate to all $STY holders every 5 minutes
Burning Mechanism — The Lightning Rod
2.5% of all $STY traded are burnt in the Lighting Rod. STY Lighting Rod protects the STY Protocol by reducing the circulating supply, thus combating positive rebase interest and keeping the protocol sustainable.
Periodic Liquidity Injection — STY Auto-Liquidity Engine (SALE)
Every 48 hours, the Smart Contract automatically uses this fund to inject new liquidity into the existing LP, which helps combat market fluctuation.
Safety measure — STY Treasury
Support to the SIF in the event of an extreme price drop, funds marketing, community expansion, investments and future products.
STY DAO aims to be the most popular platform for fundraising investment on NFTs, Music, Fashion and Earn trends and Metafi projects. Thanks to STY’s innovative DAO platform, any investor can start a fundraising proposal that is secured, low-cost and highly effective. STY DAO is the ultimate Defi & DAO ecosystem because it enables the small, average investors to achieve sustainable yet exponential income.

$STY the native token in Storm Yield Fiannce to reward for holders every each 05 minutes.
Initial Supply: 400,000
Max Supply: 5,000,000,000
Fairlaunch: 240,000
Liquidity: 122,400
⚡️Buy: 12% tax
Automatic LP: 3% of order fees return to liquidity
STY Insurance Fund: 5% of order fees are stored in SIF
Treasury: 2.5% of order fees go to the Treasury
Lightning Rod: 1.5% of $STY is burnt in the Lighting Rod
⚡️Sell: 18% tax
Automatic LP: 3% of order fees return to liquidity
STY Insurance Fund: 5% of order fees are stored in SIF
Treasury: 8.5% of order fees go to the Treasury
Lightning Rod: 1.5% of $STY is burnt in the Lighting Rod
You can read more information about us in white paper:

We are delighted to announce that we will host an AMA with @rugfreehouse @everyone
⚡️Time: 14:00 UTC April 8th
⚡️Location: Rugfreehouse channel:
We’re now listed at
KYC rugdoc & pinksale:
Audit Solidproof:

STY Road Map Review
To every project, a roadmap is a backbone that details past accomplishments and guild future goals. To Storm Yield Finance (STY), our roadmap represents the achievements we have accomplished in such a short amount of incubation time and those that we will surely claim in the foreseeable future.
Let’s take a good look at the milestones that STY has achieved up to now. To begin with, our developers team worked relentlessly day and night to code the Smart Contract, which they tested multiple times and launched successfully. We have decided to lock our Liquidity 20 years, a testament to our long-term vision. Additionally, our website is also up and running flawlessly, which features the Whitepaper and the dApp V1 Dashboard Test Net. STY is audited by Solid Proof and KYCed by RugDoc and Pinksale. RugDoc is a very credible institution, and getting KYCed by them really shows the STY’s team financial strength and commitment.
To the STY team, building a strong community is an extremely important part of the project. Hence, we have started building our social media channels on platforms such as Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Youtube, ect. We recently collaborated with Bitcointalk to launch a Bounty Campaign, which incentivises investors to create and post original content about STY on various social media sites. Moreover, we started our first community contest — the 1st STY meme contest today.
For a project that hasn’t launched yet, STY Finance exceeded expectations and delivered various noteworthy goals. For the near future, we will launch more marketing activities such as paid Youtube/ Twitter content with famous KOLs, AMA with big communities on Telegram and Twitter, community competitions, banner ads on Dexcool/ Poocoin.
Right after launching, for the month of April, STY’s next goals are to be live on CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, DappRadar. Our marketing effort will continue with fierce force, with daily ads on the most famous crypto websites, AMAs and regular paid shill posts. We will apply for our second Audit, this time with Certik to boost the project’s credibility. We also expect to grow our holder bases slowly but determinedly from 5000, 10000 to 15000 holders.
In May, STY will launch the official interactive version of our original STY DAO ecosystem, which will allow investors to collectively invest in private sales and costly NFTs from popular NFT/ Music/ Earn trend projects. This unique utility will attract a new wave of investors coming into the STY ecosystem, skyrocketing STY holders to upto 20,000–50,000 holders. Additionally, May is also the month when STY will start branching to other chains like Erc and Polygon.
STY has accomplished so much so far, yet there are still so many goals to expect in the near future. Join our social media channels to follow our journey as we nail one milestone to another on our way to the moon!

Join us to follow our latest news and updates!
Telegram Channel:
Forum Username: Jadon Sancho
Forum Profile Link:;u=2954208
Telegram Username: @Jadonsancho09
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xb05fc25bCfa612Eaef1Fa17cEBF05A675a40D5e1
#STY #Stormyield #Safuu #apy #DeFi #DeFiProject
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